Where Launches Deal Alerts – First Ever Service to Push Coupons and Discounts to Consumers Based on Preference and Location

Where, Inc. today launched WHERE Deal Alerts, a new feature in the WHERE service that arms consumers with a personalized and automated alert service that pushes coupons and discount offers to a consumers’ phone based on their preferences and location.

By opting into the service, customers can set up a user profile that will allow them to receive WHERE’s Deal Alerts via text message. Consumers simply select proximity, day of week, time of day, and content categories such as restaurants and shopping, and WHERE will automatically send coupons via SMS based on preferences.

For example, a customer can sign up to receive offers on Friday at 4:00pm informing them of all of the discounts in their area, such as happy hour deals or discounts from nearby restaurants. Individuals who prefer shopping offers can be alerted to discounts from specific retailers and merchants. This new program expands a consumers access to coupons and offers beyond the widget and check-in feature on the WHERE application.

“Our audience asked us for a feature that would allow them to customize the types of coupons and discounts they want to receive. They also wanted those deals pushed to their mobile devices, when they want them, based on their current location,” said Walt Doyle, CEO of Where, Inc. “Our first goal was to create a robust content offering of coupons and deals within the WHERE application. Once we had accumulated hundreds of thousands of daily discounts our next challenge was to create a more personalized delivery of that content. WHERE Deal Alerts is our first step towards making that content more valuable to our audience on an individualized basis.”

The Deal Alerts feature is now available to WHERE users on the AT&T network and will soon become available across all handsets and carriers. Customers can sign up for WHERE and WHERE Deal Alerts by visiting www.where.com/site/dealalerts.

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