Enpocket launches SMS Insight in the US


Enpocket, the leading provider of mobile marketing solutions widely acknowledged as having built mobile marketing in Europe, today announced it is launching ‘SMS Insight’ in North America, the first major program for US brands to evaluate the performance of mobile marketing.
Since launch in September 2001, Enpocket has been a pioneer in defining how mobile marketing is best deployed, setting standards and delivering hundreds of successful campaigns. Many of the largest international brands have become Enpocket clients including Levi’s, 20th Century Fox, Nike, McDonalds, Orange, O2, BBC, HSBC, Vodafone, Doritos, Honda, Universal Pictures, Expedia, Warner Brothers, Cadbury’s and Coca-Cola.

All these marketers have benefited from the learnings SMS Insight provides into how mobile drives higher response, saves costs and enhances brand perceptions. Proven over the past two years, SMS Insight is a detailed program allowing brands to gain first hand experience of how consumers react to mobile marketing. The program employs qualitative and quantitative methodologies with groups of consumers exposed to mobile marketing, enabling marketers to assess the medium before broad scale roll out.

As well as receiving a detailed report on how their own mobile marketing activity performs, each brand also benefits from the aggregated research across all brands that have taken part in SMS Insight. To date Enpocket has conducted over 10,000 consumer interviews and many focus groups as part of SMS Insight, which provide a detailed backdrop for each new study.

The European research has been published in three white papers on Consumer Acceptance, Response and Branding (see www.enpocket.com). Of particular interest will be whether US research mirrors the compelling results from over 200 campaigns already analysed by Enpocket in Europe:

 Response metric
Show or forward message to a friend
Visit a store
Reply to a message
Visit a web site
Buy a product

  Branding metric
Prompted campaign awareness
Spontaneous campaign awareness
Brand affinity (more positive about the brand)
Intention to purchase in future

Commenting on the US launch of the SMS Insight program Jonathon Linner, CEO of Enpocket, said:

‘As in Europe, US text messaging is now showing phenomenal growth, particularly among younger age groups. Of some 151 million mobile phone subscribers in the US, over 30 million now actively use SMS. In the 18-24 age group, 45% use the medium*. So the time is right for marketers to test use of mobile.’

‘Our experience in Europe shows that SMS Insight enables marketers to quickly and confidently evaluate how their brands can take advantage of the wireless medium – from how to use language, to which mechanisms are best to employ for a range of activities from branding and response to customer acquisition and retention.’

Marketers interested in joining the US program should contact Alice Kim in New York at 917 716 4607 akim@enpocket.com or Andre Sevigny in Los Angeles at (323) 653-3622 asevigny@enpocket.com.


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